Benetau e Peugeot Sea Drive Concept
Sabato 2 dicembre, all’apertura del salone Nautic di Parigi, Benetau e Peugeot hanno annunciato il risultato di una collaborazione unica.
Leader mondiali nei rispettivi settori, i due marchi hanno unito il loro know-how tecnologico innovativo per creare una postazione di guida pioneristica. Il Sea Drive Concept promette di essere un’esperienza fantastica per i visitatori e offrirà nuove prospettive sul futuro della guida in motoscafo.
Il comunicato in inglese:
Fingertip Controls, by Beneteau
Ship Control® technology is the result of the Advance Monitoring System (AMS) research programme introduced by the Beneteau group. It was rolled out for the first time in 2017 aboard the new Gran Turismo 50 sports cruiser. Inspired by on-board computers in cars, this intuitive and user-friendly interface provides simple centralized access to many of the boat’s functions. The Ship control® on-board assistant is accessed from the
navigation display or a tablet connected to the boat’s Wi-Fi network. A quick tap on the icon you want and you can manage the lights, air-conditioning, Hi-Fi, electrical sources (AC), bilge pumps or a page dedicated to navigation. BENETEAU is the first boatyard to offer such a high-tech solution at no additional cost and, once again, this confirms their continuing commitment to simplifying boating so that it can be enjoyed by everyone.